Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Agreement

Last updated: 19/01/2024 | Post date: 26/12/2023
image of TRIPS Agreement of 1995


The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement, enacted on January 1, 1995, is a cornerstone of an IP-based international legal framework, serving as a comprehensive multilateral treaty among all World Trade Organization (WTO) member nations.

Its primary objective is to standardize a common baseline for national regulation of various forms of intellectual property such as:

  • Foster technical innovation: Encouraging the creation of new technologies and ideas by providing inventors with exclusive rights and protections.
  • Facilitate transfer and distribution of technology: Facilitating the sharing of technological knowledge and advancements across borders, promoting global economic growth.
  • Integration of rights and obligations: Striking a balance between the interests of creators and users of intellectual property, ensuring fair competition and access to knowledge.

The TRIPS Agreement Spectrum of Application

The TRIPS Agreement covers a wide spectrum of IP fundamentals, establishing a robust and solid framework with highly specific norms and standards applicable to core IP components:

  1. Copyrights

    The agreement covers the exclusive rights of authors and creators over their original works, such as literary, artistic, and musical expressions. It also sets a minimum standard for copyright duration of at least 50 years.

    Moreover, the agreement also recognizes intricate computer programs and databases of a creative nature as literary works, thus reflecting the integration of the evolving digital landscape with IP.
  2. Related Rights

    This refers to recognizing and rewarding the artistic contributions of performers and producers within a myriad of creative industries. Here, performers gain the legal rights to prevent unauthorized recording of their performances. This also extends to record producers, who receive exclusive reproduction and rental rights.

    Related rights also address broadcasting organizations, allowing them access to protection against unlicensed recording and rebroadcasting. The length of protection varies, allowing a period of 50 years for performers and producers, and 20 years for broadcasters. Such laws acknowledge the vital role of cultural content distribution and its value. Such laws acknowledge the vital role of cultural content distribution and its value.
  3. Trademarks

    The TRIPS Agreement requires that any. visually recognized mark for an organization's goods and services to be eligible for registration in the domain of trademarks.

    This provision ensures market clarity and differentiation. Moreover, the ability to register non-visually perceptible indicators, such as sound or smell marks, reflects the dominance of branding in commerce. The agreement's dedication to establishing a fair and competitive business environment is shown in the exclusive rights granted to trademark owners, as it allows them to prevent third-party usage.
  4. Geographical Indications

    Geographical indications, which address the provenance of commodities, are given special consideration in the TRIPS Agreement. This protects against deceptive usage and unfair competition, emphasizing the commitment to preserve a product's territorial or regional identity.

    Recognizing the special constraints of the wine and spirits industries, the agreement allows for exceptions, displaying a flexible approach to different sectors under intellectual property.
  5. Industrial Designs

    The TRIPS Agreement requires the protection of independently generated industrial designs, with an emphasis on product aesthetic innovation. This commitment to protecting a product’s visual appearance highlights the agreement's acknowledgment of fostering creativity and enabling consumer choice.

    The minimum protection term of ten years corresponds to the ever-changing nature of design trends and consumer behavior.
  6. Patents

    This application provides exclusive rights for inventions and discoveries, encouraging investment in further R&D. The agreement sets a minimum patent duration of 20 years and specifically outlines exceptions based on jurisdictional/public morality and procedures, to ensure a harmonious approach to both innovation and access.
  7. Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits

    Integrated Circuits are finished products with components that contain one or more active elements that can be fused together to produce an electronic part. Alternatively, the phrase can refer to a three-dimensional layout specifically prepared for a manufacturing-ready integrated circuit.

    The TRIPS Agreement recognizes the unique challenges and hurdles of safeguarding these sophisticated arrangements in an integrated circuit and thus, grants a 10-year protection period to these critical technological advancements. This timeline allows innovators and inventors to commercialize their ideas while adapting to the quick pace of technological change. (Also read our article on the Treaty on Intellectual Property in respect of Integrated Circuits.)
  8. Undisclosed Information

    The agreement protects valuable trade secrets and confidential information that form the backbone of many innovations and businesses. For such to apply, trade information is mandated to hold commercial value, and be subject to adequate confidentiality measures.
image of special constraints of the wine and spirits industries
image of Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits

Key Features of the TRIPS Agreement

  1. Standards: The TRIPS Agreement establishes minimum standards for intellectual property protection across member countries, specifying subject matter, duration of rights, and the scope of protection.

The incorporated commitments from the Paris Convention and Berne Convention have resulted in it being dubbed as “Berne and Paris-plus” agreement.

This integration offers a consistent approach to intellectual property protection across all member states.

  1. Enforcement: This component of the agreement emphasizes the importance of effective enforcement mechanisms for domestic intellectual property rights. This feature outlines procedures for all IPR proceedings such as criminal and civil cases, border measures, and temporary injunctions.

  2. Dispute Settlement: Disputes between WTO members regarding TRIPS obligations are settled through the organization's established dispute settlement procedures. This provides a neutral and internationally recognized framework for resolving complex IP challenges, standardizing fair and equal settlement among all.

The UAE's Commitment to TRIPS

Since joining the WTO in 1996, the United Arab Emirates has consistently reinforced the TRIPS Agreement within its IP framework when applicable, thus ensuring comprehensive protection across its booming commercial and creative landscape.

This includes registration and protection of trademarks, patents, copyrights, industrial designs, and integrated circuit layout designs.

Beyond the basic standards, the UAE demonstrates a strong commitment to specific sectors such as:

  • Public health: Granting patents for pharmaceutical products, with exceptions for essential medicines, to balance innovation with access to affordable healthcare.
  • Agriculture: Protecting inventions related to agricultural chemicals to promote food security and sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Trade secrets: Recognizing and safeguarding confidential information through various legal provisions.

The UAE's commitment to TRIPS is further evidenced by its robust legal framework. For example, the 1992 Federal Legislation No. 40 revised the UAE's copyright legislation, bringing it in line with international norms such as the Berne Convention, WIPO treaties, and TRIPS.

Similarly, the Patent Law (Federal Law No. 17 of 1992) and the Trademark Law (Federal Law No. 13 of 1992) also reflect the UAE's dedication to upholding a comprehensive and efficient IP regime - to further its commendable legal framework that positions its economy in very high standing.

The Future of TRIPS and the UAE

The UAE is constantly repositioning itself to take over a leading role in shaping the future of IP, not only within its borders but in the region. Its recognition of TRIPS, coupled with its world-renowned dynamic and forward-thinking approach to innovation, distinguishes the UAE as a prime example of how a country should leverage the power of intellectual property.


The TRIPS Agreement framework has played a pivotal role in shaping the global landscape in the integration of innovation and technological advancement with IP.

The agreement's long-standing legacy lies in its evident efforts to mesh the interests of creators and users with IP, for the sustainable growth of a world that is conducive to sharing knowledge and economic prosperity.

If you have any questions or require expert guidance navigating the intricacies of intellectual property, particularly within the context of the TRIPS Agreement, please don't hesitate to contact Abou Naja Intellectual Property.

Our team of dedicated professionals are always ready to assist you with comprehensive IP solutions and specialized advice, empowering you to unlock the full potential of your innovations in the UAE and beyond.

Drop us an email at [email protected] for a complimentary consultation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the primary objective of the TRIPS Agreement?

The TRIPS Agreement aims to standardize a common baseline for the regulation of intellectual property globally, fostering technical innovation, facilitating technology transfer, and integrating rights and obligations.

What are the key components covered by the TRIPS Agreement?

The TRIPS Agreement covers copyrights, related rights, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, layout designs of integrated circuits, and undisclosed information.

How does the TRIPS Agreement address copyright protection?

The agreement covers exclusive rights for authors and creators, recognizing various forms of creative expression, including computer programs. It sets a minimum standard for copyright duration.

What is the significance of trademarks in the TRIPS Agreement?

The TRIPS Agreement requires the eligibility of visually recognized marks for registration, promoting market clarity, differentiation, and establishing a fair and competitive business environment.

How does the TRIPS Agreement protect geographical indications?

The TRIPS Agreement provides special consideration to geographical indications, protecting against deceptive usage and unfair competition, emphasizing the preservation of a product's regional identity.

What commitment does the TRIPS Agreement make to industrial designs?

The TRIPS Agreement requires the protection of independently generated industrial designs, emphasizing product aesthetic innovation with a minimum protection term of ten years.

How does the TRIPS Agreement address patents and their duration?

The TRIPS Agreement provides exclusive rights for inventions, encouraging investment in research and development, with a minimum patent duration of 20 years.

How is the TRIPS Agreement enforced and disputes settled?

The agreement emphasizes effective enforcement mechanisms and outlines procedures for intellectual property rights proceedings, with disputes settled through established WTO dispute settlement procedures.

How has the UAE committed to the TRIPS Agreement?

Since joining the WTO in 1996, the UAE has consistently reinforced the TRIPS Agreement, ensuring comprehensive protection across various intellectual property aspects, including trademarks, patents, copyrights, and industrial designs.

What is the future outlook for TRIPS in the UAE?

The UAE is actively positioning itself as a leader in shaping the future of intellectual property, leveraging its commitment to the TRIPS Agreement and aligning its legal framework with international norms.