Trademark Registration in Qatar in 2024 - Complete Guide

Last updated: 20/04/2024 | Post date: 15/04/2024
image of trademark registration in qatar

Overview of Trademark Registration in Qatar

Securing a trademark registration in Qatar can provide critical legal protections for businesses and international organizations seeking to establish and grow their brand in the region. This comprehensive guide examines the key aspects of the trademark registration process in Qatar, providing actionable insights for law firms, lawyers, business owners and decision makers looking to protect their intellectual property.

Trademark registration in Qatar is governed by Law No. 9 of 2002 on Trademarks and Geographical Indications. The registration process is overseen by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

In 100 insightful words, the article will explore the registration requirements, costs, timelines and enforcement approaches based on Qatar's trademark laws and the role of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. With trademark registrations on the rise in Qatar, this guide aims to demystify the process for trademark attorneys, intellectual property lawyers and those advising clients on intellectual property strategy in the country.

Pre Filing Requirements

To register a trademark in Qatar, certain pre-filing requirements must be met. The trademark must be distinctive and not deceptively similar to any existing registered trademarks. A search of the trademark register is recommended to ensure the desired mark is available for registration. The applicant must also determine the class of goods or services the mark will be registered in, according to the Nice Classification system.

Application Process

Trademark applications are filed with the Trademarks Department of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce in Qatar. The application must include the name and address of the applicant, a clear reproduction of the mark, the list of goods and services to be covered, and the required official fees. If the application meets all formal requirements, it is accepted and examined for any absolute or relative grounds for refusal. If no grounds for refusal are found, the mark is published in the Official Gazette.

Opposition Period and Registration

Third parties have 60 days from the publication date to oppose a trademark application. If no opposition is filed, or if opposition proceedings find in favor of the applicant, the trademark is registered.The initial registration period is 10 years, and registrations can be renewed for additional 10-year periods. Registration of published trademark confers exclusive rights to use the trademark for the goods and services specified in the registration.

Post Registration

To maintain the validity of a trademark registration, a declaration of use must be filed within 5 years of the registration date. Trademark registrations can be amended to reflect changes in name, address, ownership, or the list of goods and services. Trademark assignments and licensing agreements should also be recorded with the Trademarks Department to ensure the continuity and validity of the registration.

Trademark Registration Process in Qatar

Although the process of registering a trademark in Qatar may seem straightforward, it can quickly become complex. Any mistake made during the application process can result in rejection.

Conducting a Trademark Search

The first step to registering a trademark in Qatar is conducting a comprehensive trademark search to determine if the mark is available for registration. The search should cover both registered and pending marks. If the trademark search reveals that the mark is already registered or pending, the applicant will need to choose a new mark to avoid infringement and rejection.

Filing a Trademark Application

If the search confirms the mark’s availability, the applicant can file an application with the Trademark Office of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce in Qatar. The application must specify the mark and the goods and/or services it will be used for based on the Nice Classification system. It must also include the applicant’s name and address.

Application Review and Examination from the Trademark Office

The Trademark Office will review the application to ensure it meets the legal requirements for registration. If accepted, the mark will be published in the Official Gazette to allow interested parties to oppose the registration within 60 days. If no opposition is filed or it is resolved in the applicant’s favor, the Trademark Office will register the mark. The final decision rests on the Qatar Trademark Office.

Publication and Opposition

After publication, there is a 60-day opposition period where third parties can oppose the registration. If no opposition is filed or opposition is unsuccessful, the Trademark Office will approve the application and issue a Certificate of Registration. The entire process typically takes 8-12 months.

Registration and Issuance of Certificate

Once registered, the Trademark Office will issue a registration certificate to the applicant. The registration is valid for 10 years from the filing date and may be renewed indefinitely for additional 10-year periods. The owner of registered trademarks in Qatar gains exclusive rights to use it for the goods and services specified in the registration.

In summary, to successfully register a trademark in Qatar, applicants must conduct a search, file an application, respond to any office actions, and obtain a registration certificate. With the proper steps taken, companies can gain valuable intellectual property protection for their brands in Qatar's growing market.

Documents Required for Registering a Trademark in Qatar

One must keep these required documents in hand before initiating the trademark application process.

  • Power of Attorney: Appointing us to act and apply on your behalf.
  • Sample and Description of Trademark Design.
  • Copy of the Passport of the Applicant(s).
  • Contact Details of the Applicant(s).
  • Copy of Trade License: In case of Corporate Application.
  • Artwork of the Brand Name and Logo.
  • List of Goods and Services to be protected.
  • Priority Document (if applicable).

Trademark Registration Fees in Qatar

The Qatari Trademark Office requires payment of official fees for trademark registration and renewal. The official filing fee for a new trademark application is QAR 1,000 (roughly USD $275). If the application is accepted, an additional registration fee of QAR 2,000 (USD $550) is required. However, there are additional charges such as professional fees, bank fees, court fees and translation fees.

Trademark registrations in Qatar are valid for 10 years. To maintain the registration, a renewal fee of QAR 2,500 (USD $685) must be paid every 10 years. If the renewal fee is not paid, the trademark registration will lapse.

(Kindly note all the fees mentioned are subject to change as per the discretion of Qatar Ministry. We will update the article with the latest charges.)

image of Benefits of Trademark Registration in Qatar
image of trademark registration guide in Qatar

Timeline for Trademark Registration in Qatar

  • Filing to Examination decision: 90 days.
  • Examination decision to Publication: 2 months.
  • Publication Opposition Period: 60 days.
  • Registration to Certificate Issuance: 2 months.

Benefits of Trademark Registration in Qatar

Registering a trademark in Qatar offers several key benefits to businesses.

Legal Protection

Trademark registration provides legal protection for a brand name, logo or slogan in Qatar. Once registered, the trademark owner has the exclusive right to use the trademark on goods and services within Qatar. This prevents unauthorized third parties from using, selling or importing identical or confusingly similar trademarks. Legal protection reduces risks such as trademark infringement and passing off, which protects brand value and reputation.

Deterrence Effect

A registered trademark owner deters competitors or other entities from adopting a similar trademark due to the existence of legal rights over the trademark. The ® symbol that comes with trademark registration also warns third parties that the trademark is legally protected, which discourages them from unauthorized use. This deterrence effect helps build brand strength and longevity in Qatar's market.

Commercial Value

A registered trademark can increase the commercial value of a brand. It allows businesses to license or franchise their trademark to third parties for commercial gain. A stronger, well-protected brand also has a higher resale value. Trademark registration demonstrates that proper steps have been taken to protect brand identity and build brand equity in Qatar, which boosts consumer trust and loyalty.

International Advantages

For businesses looking to expand internationally, a trademark registration in Qatar may have reciprocal benefits in other countries under international treaties like the Madrid Protocol. A Qatar registration can form the basis for an international trademark application, helping businesses access multiple overseas markets more efficiently. Locally, a Qatar trademark registration also allows the mark to be recorded with customs authorities to prevent importation of counterfeit goods.

In summary, trademark registration in Qatar yields both short and long term advantages for businesses. It is a strategic step for those looking to establish a strong brand presence and commercial standing within Qatar. With the country's sustained economic growth and increasing business opportunities, safeguarding intellectual property rights is vital for success. Trademark registration is key to achieving this in Qatar's competitive market.

What can be Registered as a Trademark in Qatar

Qatar trademark law allows for a wide range of elements that can be registered as trademarks, serving as distinctive identifiers of goods and services. These include word marks, encompassing unique words, phrases, or fusion of those, which are capable of distinguishing one entity's offerings from others'. Additionally, logo marks, consisting of recognizable symbols, designs, or graphical elements, are eligible for registration. Combination marks, which incorporate both words and logos, further enhance brand recognition.

Furthermore, slogans, taglines, and other catchy phrases that effectively convey brand messaging can be registered. Unique color combinations, sounds, jingles, shapes, packaging designs, and even three-dimensional configurations associated with specific products or services are also eligible for trademark registration in Qatar. Essentially, any distinguishable sign capable of representing the origin of goods or services can be protected through trademark registration, facilitating brand differentiation and fostering consumer trust in the market.

What cannot be Registered as a Trademark in Qatar

In Qatar Trademark Law, certain elements cannot be registered as trademarks due to various legal restrictions and requirements. These include marks that lack distinctiveness or are descriptive of the goods or services they represent, as well as marks that are generic or commonly used in the relevant industry. Additionally, trademarks that consist solely of shapes or configurations that result from the nature of the goods themselves, or marks that are contrary to public order or morality, are not eligible for registration.

Moreover, marks that are likely to deceive or cause confusion among consumers, or marks that infringe upon the rights of others, such as pre-existing trademarks or well-known symbols, cannot be registered. It's important for individuals and businesses seeking trademark registration in Qatar to ensure that their proposed marks meet the necessary criteria to avoid rejection or legal complications in the registration process.


Trademark registration in Qatar is a critical step for businesses and organizations seeking to protect their intellectual property rights and establish a strong brand presence in the region. With comprehensive insights into the trademark registration process, from pre-filing requirements to post-registration considerations, this guide equips legal professionals, business owners, and decision-makers with the necessary knowledge to navigate Qatar's trademark laws effectively. By understanding the benefits, requirements, and procedures involved in trademark registration, businesses can safeguard their brands, deter infringement, and capitalize on commercial opportunities in Qatar's dynamic market.

For expert assistance in registering your trademark in Qatar and worldwide, trust Abounaja Intellectual Property. Our specialized team is dedicated to helping businesses secure their intellectual property rights and maximize their brand protection strategies. Contact us today at [email protected] to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards safeguarding your brand in Qatar and beyond.