Trademark Infringement and Enforcement in the UAE - Stay Protected

Last updated: 22/01/2024 | Post date: 08/12/2023
image of trademark infringement and enforcement in UAE

Trademark Infringement and Enforcement in UAE - Introduction

In today's global business environment, preserving a company's identity and branding is essential. Maintaining the security of these assets is critical to their continued growth and success. A business that fails to protect its trademark and name may face disastrous implications, resulting in irreversible losses and expenses for the company in both the short and long term, including:

  1. Loss of customer loyalty
  2. Customer confusion
  3. Legal fees
  4. Loss of profits

Recognizing these hurdles before entering the industry is vital. Researching how to correctly register your trademark is a sign of solid business practice, enhancing the security of your market position by offering legal protection in your company's domain. This, in turn, encourages deterrence against those with malicious intent to infringe on your trademark, fostering long-term advantages in terms of consumer trust and opening doors to worldwide development.

Encroachment: What Happens When Someone Sullies Your Good Name?

Failure to properly register and defend your trademarks may have serious implications for your organization, including consumer loyalty erosion and misunderstanding. Trademark violations will almost certainly cause confusion in the marketplace. Customers who have become used to and trusted the original brand may find themselves doubting the product's genuineness, severely damaging its image, and tarnishing the company's identity in the long term.

Building a company's identity and reputation is a painstaking and delicate process that calls for well-considered business and marketing strategies that eventually provide a net positive outcome. If that name is not protected, the company's image might quickly deteriorate. For example, an organization's ethics may be called into question when it is suddenly linked to unethical behavior against its own volition. Negative attention might harm the company's relationships with current and future partners, resulting in further missed chances and income losses.

Consequences of Poorly Researched Registration: Oversight is Not 20/20

The risk to your company comes not only from not protecting your trademark but also from not conducting sufficient research before registering it. A company might make a mistake with the trademark's content, possibly breaking UAE laws or confusingly similar to a brand that has already been registered. Whether deliberate or inadvertent, below are some pitfalls you might face in the UAE as a result.

Rejection of your application

Your trademark application will undoubtedly be denied if it bears similarities to a trademark that is already registered in the United Arab Emirates. During the formal "Opposition Period," a trademark owner may object to and protest your application. The UAE trademark office will deny your application if the trademark owner's case is upheld, costing you money, time, and resources.

Legal Threats and Requests to Stop Using Your Trademark

If a trademark owner finds that your registered trademark is similar to theirs, they have the right to take action, which might lead to you giving up your brand and trademark. As a warning, they can, for instance, send a cease-and-desist letter. This letter is not a formal court order, but neglecting to respond to it could result in you being brought before court, which would be a burden on your time, finances, and assets. Should the plaintiff make a strong case against you, you will probably have to give up your registered trademark.

Prevention is Better than a Lawsuit: Key Pointers for Trademark Infringement

As discussed, trademark infringements seriously jeopardize the integrity and character of your brand. If you register your trademark carelessly, you could find yourself in hot water with the law and suffering severe losses in terms of time, money, and other assets. Below are some suggested actions to take to mitigate these risks.

Perform Trademark Search

It is paramount to carry out a thorough search for any likenesses that can breach intellectual property rights before registration. Make sure your chosen mark is unique and doesn't clash with already-existing registrations.

Complete the Registration of Trademarks

After proving that your trademark is legitimate, the next thing you need to do is start protecting your brand and getting your trademark officially registered in the UAE; this is officially done through the Ministry of Economy.

Use Trademark Watch Services

Intellectual property firms, such as Abou Naja Intellectual Property, offer trademark watch services, which involve careful, ongoing monitoring of trademark databases. This service's objective is to keep an eye out for and spot any new applications that might clash with your registered trademark. These services offer continuous monitoring and timely notice of any trademark infringement. Its real-time awareness allows you to take prompt action to defend your brand.

Enforcing Trademarks in the UAE

The Federal Law No. 36 of 2021 is one step the United Arab Emirates has taken to ensure that trademark protection and enforcement are subject to a strong legal framework. This legislation, along with related rules and international accords such as the Madrid Agreement and the WIPO Protocol, creates an environment for firms attempting to navigate the legal landscape for trademark protection.

Here is a summary of how the UAE accomplishes this:

Opposition and Court System

UAE third parties can dispute trademark registrations on relevant grounds, including conflicting prior rights. Famous trademarks are protected from fraudulent registration and non-use, allowing for resistance. The law also allows trademark non-use and violation cancellation actions.

Legal Authority Sources

Federal Law No. 36 of 2021 serves as the foundation of trademark regulation, supplemented by additional laws such as the UAE Civil Code and international agreements. These laws collectively create a comprehensive system that aligns with global standards.

Enforcement Bodies

The enforcement of intellectual property rights in the UAE involves a versatile approach. Various entities, including civil courts, government agencies, trademark offices, customs authorities, and law enforcement, play crucial roles. The establishment of specialized intellectual property courts underscores the commitment to effective enforcement.

Representation and International Considerations

It is important to note that legal proceedings are conducted in Arabic, aligning with the official language of the UAE. UAE courts may consider decisions from foreign counterparts, reflecting a pragmatic and moderately tolerant approach.

Protection of Unregistered Trademarks

The UAE recognizes and protects unregistered trademarks, particularly those with well-known status. This protection extends based on factors like promotional efforts, registration duration, and the mark's impact on goods or service promotion.

Trademark Infringement Assessment and Litigation

Trademark infringement is assessed by considering visual, phonetic, and conceptual elements. Civil proceedings involve filing actions in the Court of First Instance, and the litigation timeline typically spans 12–18 months.

Preliminary Relief and Monetary Remedies

Injunctions, seizures, and evidence preservation are preliminary reliefs under UAE law. Cases of trademark infringement can result in permanent injunctions, monetary fines, and product recalls.

Appeals and Costs

Routes of appeal include the Court of Appeal and the Court of Cassation. The cost estimate for a trademark infringement action ranges from USD 25,000 to USD 50,000, encompassing legal fees and associated expenses.

image of saying no to copying and stealing existing products
image of enforcing trademarks in the UAE through dispute resolution

Steps You Should Take to Enforce Your Trademark: A Good Defence

If you believe that a third party is unlawfully infringing on your trademark, below is a summarized guide to actions you can take to enforce your trademark:

Drafting Contracts for Trademark Protection

Use carefully crafted contracts to safeguard your trademark. Learn how to resolve trademark disputes in the ever-changing UAE market and how these vital documents can help prevent infringement.

Filing Opposition Requests

Keep an eye on the UAE's trademark procedures to stay ahead of the curve. Detect conflict early and manage the proper submission of opposition requests, effectively closing the door on competing trademarks.

Cease and Desist Letters

Cease and desist letters are effective instruments that can help you stamp out activities of infringement and even avoid a legal battle.

Taking Legal Action

In the event that the infringing party does not respond or comply with your warning, prepare for a court proceeding. Make sure the research and evidence you need are gathered for your case.


It is not only strategic but also necessary to protect your company's identity and branding in the intricate structure of today's global industry. The negative effects of ignoring trademark and name protection highlight the urgent necessity for preventative action. In addition to complying with legal requirements, conducting in-depth research and registering your trademark properly will strategically strengthen your market position and protect your brand from malevolent activities.

When businesses navigate the complicated world of trademark infringements, a steadfast defence is a must. Abou Naja Intellectual Property is a reliable partner that provides specialized services such as legal counsel, trademark monitoring, and strategic counselling that will help you galvanize your brand. Our specialist will ensure the safeguarding of your reputation, handling legal issues, and guaranteeing your success in the UAE's fast-paced business climate. Get in touch with us right now to start your journey toward legal confidence and trademark resilience. Drop us an email at [email protected] for a complimentary consultation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the potential consequences of not protecting my trademark?

  • Loss of customer loyalty
  • Customer confusion
  • Legal fees
  • Loss of profits

How does trademark infringement impact a company's image and identity?

  • Erosion of consumer trust
  • Negative attention and potential damage to relationships with partners

What are the risks associated with poorly researched trademark registration in the UAE?

  • Rejection of trademark application
  • Legal threats and requests to stop using the trademark

How can I mitigate risks of trademark infringement?

  • Perform a thorough trademark search
  • Complete the registration of trademarks
  • Use trademark watch services for ongoing monitoring

What legal framework governs trademark protection and enforcement in the UAE?

  • Federal Law No. 36 of 2021
  • Related rules and international accords (e.g., Madrid Agreement, WIPO Protocol)

What are the key elements of the UAE’s trademark enforcement system?

  • Opposition and Court System
  • Legal Authority Sources
  • Enforcement Bodies
  • Representation and International Considerations
  • Protection of Unregistered Trademarks

How is trademark infringement assessed in the UAE?

Visual, phonetic, and conceptual elements are considered.

What are the preliminary reliefs and remedies available for trademark infringement in the UAE?

  • Injunctions, seizures, evidence preservation
  • Permanent injunctions, monetary fines, product recalls

What is the estimated cost and timeline for trademark infringement litigation in the UAE?

  • Cost: USD 25,000 to USD 50,000
  • Timeline: 12-18 months

What actions can I take to enforce my trademark in case of infringement?

  • Drafting contracts for trademark protection
  • Filing opposition requests
  • Sending cease and desist letters
  • Taking legal action if necessary