ABOU NAJA Celebrates 50 Years of Intellectual Property Protection

Last updated: 23/02/2022 | Post date: 17/10/2021
abou naja celebrates 50 years of operations

Abou Naja was founded as Najaco by Rassem Abou Naja in 1971. Rassem, a humble pioneer who dared to pursue his dream of establishing a law firm despite fierce competition from more established firms. From the start his vision was both simple and clear, to provide exceptional intellectual property services to the then under-served Middle Eastern region. Fifty years later, not much has changed. 

From humble beginnings, this visionary built a legacy not only for his family but within the intellectual property industry, recognised for his efforts towards championing IP in the Middle East and beyond. Today, the law firm is not only thriving but has found a new lease of life in the hands of a new generation and leader Abdulrahman Abou Naja

Today ANIP might have a presence in over 21 countries scattered across the globe, but when this all began it started with one man on a solo adventurer. From then ANIP has grown to heights that even Rassem could not imagine.

Humble Beginnings

One of the firm's most notable achievements is perhaps unconventional, but significant, nonetheless. Abou Naja credits its strong market position, ranked among the top 3 IP firms in the region, due to word of mouth and referrals. What makes this especially impressive is that from its inception, the firm focused on providing exceptional service, building genuine relationships, and lasting connections with clients. This in turn allowed Abou Naja to grow exponentially as clients became champions proving once again that there is no better marketing strategy than a satisfied customer.

Shifting Gears

One of the things that set ANIP apart is its strong brand identity and corporate image. This did not happen organically but is the fruit of vision, foresight, and diligence. To help shape the brand identity the second generation of Abou Naja leaders worked together to create its logo and distinct branding.

Abou Naja has a story to tell and as that story unfolds so does the firm's brand. Specifically, the firm's logo tells a story that reflects the firm's strong Arabic roots reflected in the logo’s Arabic typography, while celebrating the now and next generation of leaders as reflected by the logo's modern aesthetics.

When Abou Naja initially launched, the firm had a broader focus and name to go with that. However, as the firm grew and found its niche, it became evident that rebranding would be necessary to fuel the growth curve and attain new heights. The rebranding exercise can be compared to a child coming of age and putting away clothes that no longer fit due to a growth spurt. The firm embraced change with a zeal that is reflected in what Abou Naja managed to build on the shoulders of Najaco.

providing intellectual property services for 50 years
trust, passion, leadership

Looking Ahead

In many ways, intellectual property protection in the Middle East is still in its infancy. 

Historically, the region looked at imitation as a form of flattery rather than theft. However, with the rise of digitalization, it has become more and more imperative to safeguard the rights of creators and innovators.

Particularly, it is intellectual property protection that gives innovators an economic incentive to invest time, effort, and finances into birthing new ideas. This is because intellectual property rights protect creators from copycats and exploitation. However, enforcing such IP ownership can be difficult to prove. This is where Abou Naja Intellectual Property comes in.

With 50 years of experience, it might seem like ANIP has achieved all there is to achieve. This is actually far from the truth. The Abou Naja leadership still has goals and plans that are yet to be achieved. 

With such strong visionary leadership, it is clear that ANIP has a bright future ahead. Thank you for being part of our story thus far and we hope that you will join us in reaching new heights over the next 50 years and beyond.