Trademark Renewal and Maintenance in the United Arab Emirates

Last updated: 22/01/2024 | Post date: 05/12/2023
image of trademark renewal in UAE

Trademark Renewal in UAE - Introduction

In the dynamic business world, keeping your trade registered and up-to-date is essential to protecting your intellectual property and brand identification in the United Arab Emirates. Dubai has been a focal point for thriving entrepreneurship and innovation for years. Therefore, it is essential to understand the subtleties of trademark renewal and maintenance to guarantee the integrity of your brand. This article will serve as a comprehensive guide to the best practices, processes, and benefits associated with maintaining and renewing your trademarks in the UAE.

The Fundamentals of Trademark Renewal

What Is Trademark Renewal, and Why Is It Important?

Trademark renewal is the process of extending the protection of a registered trademark beyond its initial 10-year period. Failure to renew a trademark can lead to its vulnerability to infringement, making timely renewal critical for maintaining legal protection.

How long does a registered trademark last in the UAE?

According to Article 19 in the Federal Law No. 37 of 1992 (UAE Trademark Law), trademark registration holds validity for ten years. Nonetheless, trademark owners need to make sure they get through the renewal process quickly to guarantee ongoing protection.

The role of the Ministry of Economy

In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the Ministry of Economy (MoE) is essential since it supervises and facilitates trademark renewal. The Ministry's role is crucial for preserving a strong intellectual property climate and demonstrates the government's dedication to expediting the business renewal process.

Trademark Renewal Process in UAE

Here's a detailed synopsis of the trademark renewal procedures conducted by the Ministry of Economy

  1. Initial Contact with the Ministry of Economy

To commence the trademark renewal process, businesses should initiate contact with the Ministry of Economy, either directly or through legal representatives specializing in intellectual property matters.

  1. Verification of Expiry and Notification

The Ministry of Economy confirms the trademark registration's expiration date in compliance with UAE Federal Law No. 37 of 1992 on Trademarks, Article 19. The trademark owner receives official notifications from the Ministry alerting them of the impending expiration at their registered location within a month of the trademark expiry.

  1. Trademark Renewal Application Submission

In the final year of the trademark's protection period, trademark owners who wish to renew their marks must file a renewal application with the Ministry of Economy. Important information including the class, the trademark registration number, and the necessary renewal costs are all included in the application.

  1. Examination of Renewal Application

The Ministry of Economy meticulously examines the renewal application to ensure adherence to the stipulated rules and regulations. Once the application is verified, the Ministry formally authorizes the renewal, marking the continuation of trademark rights.

  1. Publication of Renewal

Following the Ministry's approval, details of the renewed trademark are published in the official gazette. This serves as public notice of the successful renewal and contributes to the transparency of the process.

  1. Opposition Period – Informative Publication

Unlike the initial trademark registration process, there is no opposition period during trademark renewal. The publication is primarily informative, providing details about the renewed trademark for the benefit of interested parties.

  1. Issuance of Renewal Certificate

After the 30-day waiting period post-publication, the Ministry of Economy issues a renewal e-certificate. This certificate serves as official proof that the trademark has been successfully renewed for another ten years, starting from the expiration date of the prior protection period.

  1. Grace Period Considerations

The Ministry of Economy provides a grace period for late renewals in recognition of the complexity of corporate operations. Owners of trademarks may request a renewal within three months of the mark's expiration, albeit there may be additional costs.

  1. Collaboration with Trademark Agents

Businesses are advised to work with experienced trademark attorneys or agents due to the complexity of trademark renewal in UAE. To ensure a smooth and efficient renewal procedure, these experts may guide you through the steps, carry out routine searches, and handle any obstacles.

image of time to renew a trademark
image of What Is Trademark Renewal

Tips for Good Practice for Maintaining and Renewing Your Trademark

  1. Keep track of the Renewal date

The first and most crucial step is to stay informed about the renewal date. Applying for renewal at least six months before expiration is advisable to avoid any potential issues. Despite receiving renewal notices from the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, proactive tracking is essential to prevent the loss of trademark protection.

  1. Ensure that the Trademark is being used

To maintain a trademark in the UAE, consistent usage in commerce is mandatory. If a trademark remains unused for five consecutive years, it may face cancellation. Proper usage is not only a legal requirement but also safeguards the trademark from potential challenges or disputes.

  1. Conduct regular searches

Regular monitoring for potential infringements can help protect the trademark from unauthorized use. Timely identification of potential threats allows for proactive measures, reducing the risk of lengthy legal disputes and preserving the trademark's value.

  1. Keep accurate records

Accurate documentation of trademark registration, renewal, and use must be kept up to date. These documents guarantee proper usage and act as a safeguard in the event of disagreements, lowering the possibility of cancellation for lack of use. Documenting changes, such as ownership or license agreements, adds an additional layer of security.

  1. Consider International Protection

For businesses eyeing global expansion, registering trademarks in other countries is crucial. International protection provides an additional shield against potential infringements, ensuring your brand remains secure on a global scale.

  1. Keep your Trademark distinctive

Distinctive trademarks are easier to protect. By avoiding common words or phrases, the UAE Trademark Office is more likely to grant trademark protection.

  1. Seek Professional help

Trademark renewal and maintenance involve complex processes. Engaging experienced trademark attorneys or agents in the UAE is highly recommended. Professionals can guide you through the renewal process, conduct regular searches, and address potential challenges, ensuring your trademark is protected effectively.

Seeking legal help: Take our word for it

To ensure accuracy and compliance, it is strongly recommended that you obtain expert help when navigating the complexities of trademark registration in the United Arab Emirates. Here are several justifications for thinking about working with legal experts:

  1. It simplifies complications as trademark registration and renewal involves intricate steps and many moving parts.
  2. Ensures alignment with legal requirements and avoids potential pitfalls.
  3. Reduces the probability of conflict risks with comprehensive searches.
  4. Minimizes the risk of rejections via precise application submission.
  5. Handles and follows up with the submission processes and inquiries for expedited approval.
  6. Optimizes the budget with cost-effective strategies.


Navigating the evolving business environment requires you to protect your brand through efficient trademark renewal and maintenance in the UAE. Abou Naja Intellectual Property provides experience to guarantee a smooth procedure and is aware of the difficulties associated with safeguarding your intellectual property.

We advise you to take proactive measures as you work to preserve the integrity of your brand.

Renew your trademark on time, use it regularly in commerce, search for possible infringements frequently, and maintain correct records. Consider the advantages of having your trademark protected internationally, preserving its individuality, and—above all—asking for expert assistance.

With our knowledge, we are prepared to help you navigate the complexities of trademark renewal and preserve the integrity and legal standing of your business. Instead of letting fate decide what happens to your intellectual property, take charge and work with us for thorough, efficient, and professional trademark renewal and maintenance in the United Arab Emirates.

Get in touch with us right now to make sure your brand is safe, stands out, and is preserved in the United Arab Emirates' vibrant commercial and innovation sector. We are here to provide the finest treatment for your intellectual property, which it deserves. Drop us an email at [email protected] for a complimentary consultation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is trademark renewal, and why is it important?

Trademark renewal is the process of extending the protection of a registered trademark beyond its initial 10-year period. It is crucial for maintaining legal protection and preventing vulnerability to infringement.

How long does a registered trademark last in the UAE?

According to Article 19 in the Federal Law No. 37 of 1992, trademark registration is valid for ten years. Timely renewal is essential to ensure ongoing protection.

What is the role of the Ministry of Economy in trademark renewal?

The Ministry of Economy in the UAE oversees and facilitates trademark renewal, playing a crucial role in maintaining a strong intellectual property climate.

What is the trademark renewal process in the UAE?

  • Initial Contact with the Ministry of Economy
  • Verification of expiry and notification
  • Trademark Renewal application submission
  • Examination of renewal application
  • Publication of renewal
  • Opposition period: Informative Publication
  • Grace period considerations

Is there an opposition period during trademark renewal?

Unlike the initial registration process, there is no opposition period during trademark renewal. The publication serves as informative, providing details about the renewed trademark.

What happens if a trademark is not renewed on time?

Failure to renew a trademark on time can lead to its vulnerability to infringement and potential cancellation. Renewal should be initiated within the grace period.

Why is consistent usage of a trademark important?

Consistent usage in commerce is mandatory to maintain a trademark in the UAE. Non-usage for five consecutive years may lead to cancellation.

What are the tips for good practice in maintaining and renewing trademarks?

Tips include keeping track of renewal dates, ensuring trademark usage, conducting regular searches for potential infringements, keeping accurate records, considering international protection, and seeking professional help.

Why should businesses collaborate with trademark agents during renewal?

Due to the complexity of trademark renewal in the UAE, businesses are advised to work with experienced trademark attorneys or agents to ensure a smooth and efficient procedure.

Why is seeking legal help recommended for trademark renewal?

Seeking legal help simplifies complications, ensures alignment with legal requirements, reduces conflict risks, minimizes the risk of rejections, and optimizes the budget with cost-effective strategies.